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Writer: Dr. Ngonzi TruthDr. Ngonzi Truth

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

Greetings! Enclosed you will find a list of Black Lives Matter resources: 35 coping strategies for trauma, mental health resources, community resources, Racial Trauma and Self-Care in Tragedy, and  a Reading List/Book Recommendations. Please connect with us to add resources to this list. Thank you for visiting and sharing these resources.

Black Lives Matter: Racial Trauma & Resilience: 35 Coping Strategies for Trauma

  1. It’s ok to feel all of your feelings.

  2. Take a break. Take a nap. “Call in Black” or take a “sick day” from work or household/childcare responsibilities.

  3. Do what you can to ground yourself. Learn about “grounding”.

  4. Take long, deep breaths in order to re-center your mind and body.

  5. Listen to music. Try this healing music playlist by Black Girl In Om

  6. Practice Gratitude. Recall 1 thing you are grateful for each day to refocus your mind on good. Read about the benefits of a gratitude journal.

  7. Practice Spiritual rituals. Pray. Meditate.

  8. Check-in with yourself to identify your feelings each day. Say, “Today I am feeling ____(sad, mad, melancholy, irritable, etc)”. Journal your feelings through bullet journaling.

  9. Check-in with family, friends and neighbors to ensure they are ok.

  10. Practice yoga or zumba or dance or tai chi or karate. Move your body.

  11. Take a day off of all social media. Limit your news and videos of violence (it’s “pain porn” and “murder porn”).

  12. Find safe spaces for you, where Black and Brown people are valued, loved and respected.

  13. Practice self-care. Be creative! Create art. Draw, sing, write poems, perform spoken word, create music lyrics/beats. Listen to sound therapy. Listen to drums or musical instruments. Play a musical instrument.

  14. Educate yourself/Bibliotherapy on mental health, therapy, racism, oppression, mass movements, empowerment, social justice.

  15. Organize. Strategize.

  16. Join live zoom calls/watch videos on coping skills and social justice initiatives. Connect with people on social media or phone/text.

  17. Listen to youtube videos on positive affirmations.

  18. Register to vote. Then vote in the elections to choose politicians who stand for issues that concern you.

  19. Join the fight. Protest. Effect change where you are/ Get involved in politics/complete petitions. Write your politicians.

  20. Join organizations that support social justice.

  21. Donate to organizations and causes that support social justice.

  22. Serve others. Volunteer. Remain safe by wearing your protective gear (masks and gloves).

  23. Complete your Census form. Funding is set by the number of people counted on the census.

  24. Educate others on systemic racism, bias, privilege, if you choose.

  25. Discuss current events with others, if this does not trigger you.

  26. Utilize glitter calming jars

  27. Find a mental health therapist. ( or free therapy through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at your job or call the free 24/7 hotline 800-273-8255 for mental health crisis & stress in order to speak with a licensed therapist). Process your thoughts & feelings in talk therapy or art therapy or play therapy or group therapy or family therapy.

  28. Participate in healing circles or emotional emancipation circles or engage in restorative practices.

  29. Find outlets to RELEASE: dancing, boxing, venting, exercising, stretching.

  30. Follow people and organizations on social media/news that you trust for information.

  31. Listen to podcasts, news outlets and leaders that advocate for social justice such as: Roland Martin,, CNN

  32. Tapping to neutralize Trauma 

  33. Get involved in the school system, attend or join the school board meetings and guest teach during Black History month and at other times throughout the school year.

  34. Watch social justice movies and have discussions with your children/family/friends. Watch video on intergenerational trauma

  35. Read books from our reading list below (scroll all the way to the bottom) such as: My Grandmother’s Hand: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem



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